Tuesday, February 19, 2008

IT'S ON!!!!!!!

As of yesterday morning... it's ON! Sums and I registered for the Disney Half Marathon in 2009. It'll be Sums' first time and my second. WHAT A RUSH! I can't wait for her to see what an amazing experience it is! I'm beyond excited about doing this for my second time... and actually training.My first time was back in 2007- R & I ran (ok, he ran... and I walked REALLY REALLY fast) the Half Marathon (13.1 miles). It's the single MOST challenging thing I've ever done. The only thing (honest to God) that kept me going was that I kept thinking "I can't give up, I'm doing this for my brothers, they need to know their sister can do this, I want to make them proud"

The race was craziest mental challenge in the world. Your body can do SO much more than you think.... it's all in your head!!!

I can't wait to do it again. This time however, I'm actually going to train. Last time- R and I did NOTHING!!! We were SOOO dumb... we could've injured ourselves so bad- or worse! I am just amazed that I actually completed it without training. Makes me wonder how well I can do if I do. Sums and I are going to train HARD. We're going to run across that finish line TOGETHER! Proving that these Ya-ya's CAN DO ANYTHING!

(By the way, back in 2007 Greg, R & I ran. For the record: Greg trained and kicked BUTT.
Greg ran the 2008 full marathon last month. Both he and R registered for the full in 2009)

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